Benefits of Wild Hog Meat


The Benefits of Wild Boar Meat Surpass Beef, Pork and Even Chicken!

For centuries, wild boar meat has been a delicacy enjoyed by the aristocracy of Europe. It is increasingly sought after by chefs and consumers looking for a unique flavor.

What Does Wild Boar Taste Like?

Wild boar meat has a strong, nutty, rich flavor that is unique and often not comparable to other meats.The meat is not gamey tasting, it’s meat is darker in color with a distinct, with a flavorful taste. It is not prone to illness or disease.

What’s the Difference Between Wild Boar and Pig?

It comes down to diet and exercise. Farm raised pigs are fed a homogeneous diet compared to that of wild boars which will give a more complex, deeper flavor. Wild boars are far more physically active than their farm raised counterparts which will alter their muscle/fat composition. Wild Boar are not kept in enclosures as are pigs. They are free to roam and forage for their food.

Although you may expect it to resemble pork, wild boar is a dark red meat. Unlike its domestic cousin, wild boar is also very lean and low in cholesterol. Wild boar is an excellent alternative to beef and pork for those who want food that is good for them without sacrificing taste and quality.