A whole muscle strip loin makes an excellent tender roast or cut them into steak or boneless chop of your liking. grill, pan fry or roast.
Our Wild Hog offers you a unique and flavorful alternative to domestic pork providing you with the taste of the hunt without the effort.
The hogs are contained on our USDA state approved property where they are cared for daily by our trained and professional staff. Our goal is to maintain a stress-free outside environment shaded with trees and shelters for their comfort. We do not give them antibiotics, growth hormones or any other artificial supplements and allow them to grow as they normally should. Our hogs are fed clean and natural foods daily to ensure a balanced diet for growth and health.
Wild hog meat is leaner, darker and intensely more flavorful than farm-raised. Naturally, the flavor of the meat is dependent upon the diet of the animal. Our wild boar is all natural and on a free range diet of nuts, grass, and locally grown vegetables. You can expect a sweet and nutty taste that is cleaner than more fatty protein options.
We assure that any of our meat that enters the food system is free of antibiotics, added hormones, and anything else that would be harmful to you, the consumer.
Dedicated to producing the finest quality wild boar meat
Size (lbs.) 1.3 – 1.5